I am Rieska kurniati . Well, I have been my project from my English teacher is Mr. Erwanto to make a E- Primbon . So if you find this blog you will find your way to get your success in English.

Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012

Prepositions: In, On, and At (with specific times and places)

Year, Month,
In 1999, In December
Country, State, City
In Japan, In Utah, InTaipei
Day, Date
On Saturday, On May 1
On Main Street, On 1st Ave.
At 8:00, At 7:30
At 815 East Main Street

A: Where's your office?
B: In Taipei, Taiwan.
A: Really? What part of Taipei?
B: It's on Chung Shan North Road.
A: I know that area. Where exactly is it?
B: It's at 105 Chung Shan North Road, next to the bookstore.

C: When is the wedding?
D: It's in June.
C: What day?
D: It's on Saturday, the 25th.
C: What time?
D: It starts at 6:00.

Prepositions with articles and locations
When talking about locations, use at to indicate the general vicinity or area, and in to
indicate inside the building, enclosed area, etc. For example:
at the swimming pool (on site)
in the swimming pool (in the
pool itself i.e. in the water)
at the post office/bank (general)
in the post office/bank (inside the building)
at the zoo (visitors, general area)
in the zoo (animals in their cages)
at school
in the classroom
Sample sentences:
I met my wife at the theater. (while watching a movie)
I spilled my drink in the theater (on the floor of the building)
She works at the library on Wednesdays.
She found a rare coin in the library (building).
Dr. Jones works at the hospital every day.
John was in the hospital for a week with a broken leg.
For school, prison, and church, the is used to indicate the building. No article indicates
the general situation. Note the following:
in school (studying, listening to teacher, etc.)
in the school (building)
in jail/prison (staying there as a criminal)
in the jail/prison (temporary)
in church (praying, listening to a sermon, etc.)
in the church (building)
Where's Dad?
in church (attending services)
in the church (fixing the windows)
at church
at the church
in prison (He committed a crime.)
at the prison (visiting his friend)
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In digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang mengelilingi atau melingkupi kita. Contoh:
· I sleep in my bedroom.
· The desk in the room.
In juga digunakan untuk area-area geografis seperti kota dan negara, misalnya: “I live in London” atau “I live in England”.
On digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang ada di atas sebuah permukaan. Misalnya:
  • I sleep on my bed.
  • The paper is on the desk.
On juga digunakan untuk nama-nama jalan, misalnya: “I live on Orchard Roard”.
At digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang berada pada sebuah titik tertentu, seringkali sebagai bagian dari sebuah garis. Sebagai contoh:
  • He is at the bus stop.
Bus stop (penghentian bus) merupakan sebuah titik dalam sebuah garis yang terdiri dari beberapa penghentian bus.
  • John is at the bank.
John berada pada tempat atau titik tertentu, yakni di bank. Bank merupakan bagian dari perjalanannya dan juga bagian dari sebuah jalan, yang mana keduanya bisa dianggap sebagai garis.
At juga digunakan untuk alamat-alamat lengkap, contoh: “I live at 22 Orchard Road, London, England.

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